ADRENAL FATIGUE …STOP FEELING TIRED! Improve your life today! In this series of articles on health I began by explaining the role and need for…
STRESS, ADRENAL GLAND and SUGAR I have in the previous articles described in detail the function of the adrenal gland and its role in dealing…
STOMACH ACID – REFLUX – GERD – HEART BURN etc. (part 1) I divert in this article from my series on hormone balance and weight…
ANTACID /REFLUX/HEART BURN etc. (part ll) What is heartburn? As previously discussed lowering stomach acid is not usually a good idea. Too much acid is…
Part 4:Iodine deficiency and its’ relation to various serious diseases: As previously mentioned iodine is concentrated in the thyroid, breast, and ovaries and is found…
It is estimated that 80 million Americans suffer from back pain. Leg pain is often related to the back, even though the back might not…
THYROID Part I: I left off in the last article of this series answering the often asked question “ why, based on my blood tests,…
Iodine Part III: Why are the vast majority of Americans deficient in iodine? As previously mentioned the iodine source in our world comes primarily from…
Thyroid information part 2: As mentioned in my previous articles in this series, the information presented is that of other medical authorities in the area…
Now that my readers have a broader knowledge of the thyroid function and the iodine components I am concluding this iodine series at this time.…