Thyroid information part 2: As mentioned in my previous articles in this series, the information presented is that of other medical authorities in the area…
Now that my readers have a broader knowledge of the thyroid function and the iodine components I am concluding this iodine series at this time.…
Next in this series regarding hormone production and balance in our bodies we will discuss the adrenal glands. There is a correlation between the pituitary-thyroid…
Originally the term stress was an engineering description relating the amount of force that can be placed on say a beam for building a bridge…
AGING & LONGEVITY (In Health) Anti-aging medicine has taken a front row place in recent research and development of ways to live long and fulfilling…
Dementia/Alzheimer’s & Hypoglycemia In recent issues of prestigious peer review publications and as “Neurology” And “Diabetes” scientists are discovering alarming similarities between Alzheimer’s disease (dementia)…
COLON(large intestine) CLEANSING & STRENGTHENING The colon is the final part of our rather long digestive system. Its thick walls are made to push the…
Asthma Asthma is a lung disease that is also known as “hyper-active airways.” There has been an epidemic rise in the incidence of asthma cases.…
PROPER EXERCISE – A NEW YEAR RESOLUTION For the past almost thirty years of practice I have advised my patients to go swimming on a…
Freedom from Heartburn and GERD Did you know that 40 percent of all Americans have a serious problem with their upper intestinal tract— indigestion, hiatal…