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Plyrocil is a microbe (bacteria) implicated in ulcers and other gastro-intestinal disorders such as reflux. Once left in the gut it may migrateto other areas of the body. Most pathogenic bacteria cannot penetrate the protective lining of the stomach where there are strong acids such as HCI (hydrochloric acid). H. plorifirst can either alter the Ph of the lining, to make it less acidic or works within an already low stomach acid. As mentioned in previous article on reflux, using acid lowering or blocking drugs (nexium, prilosec, prevaset etc.) is the exact opposite of what needs to be done in order to eradicate H. pylori and reflux/GERD.

When the acid is low in the stomach the H. pylori drills into the stomach lining, causing gastritis and ultimately ulcers. Nearly 90% of dueodenal ulcers (small intenstine) and 70% of gastric (stomach)ulcers test positive for H. pylori.

Increasing stomach acid by taking Betaine Hydrochloride pills such as Gastric Acid (that I sell) is one important approach to consider. Through aHeidelbergtest or an Iridolgy exam of the eyes a diagnosis of hypochlorhydia can be validated.

Another important avenue of approach is the use of Mastic gum. Mastic gum is an ancient folk remedy that goes back in recorded history to the 2nd century BC. It is the reason from an evergreen shrub common in the Mediterranean region. Galenus suggested its use for bronchitis and blood purification;C. Columbus, in the 15th century, wrote that it was antibacterial, even used agains cholera. InEurope, Mastic gum was used in toothpaste and mouthwash and for healing wounds.

Over the past few years scientific research has backed up and echoed the folk medicine:mastic both inhibits bacterial growth and reduced inflamtion. It turns out that mastic gum is so effective in healing the gut,that in studies utilizing the resin, the original site pf an ulcer had been completely replaced by healthy epithelial cells. In fact, researchers at theUniversityofNottinghamfound that just one gram(1000 mg) of masric gum per day for two weeks markedly reduced pain and resulted in rapid resolution of peptic ulcers.

Particularly well studied is mastic’s deadly impact on H. pylori, the infamous microbe implicated in ulcers. Most pathogenic bacteria cannot penetrate the protective lining of the stomach and small intestines, but H. pylori first alters the pH of the lining (neutrilzing the acid) and then drills into it, causing gastritis and ultimately ulcers.

In 1998 a landmark study published in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrated the the resin of mastic effectively inhibited the growth of seven different strains of bacteria that were resistant to mentronidazole (anti-biotic) were altered and destroys by mastic!

A 2007 study from theUniversityofAthensbacks up the New England Journal of Medicine research: mastic gum given to mice over a 3-month period resulted in a 30 fold reduction of colonization with H. Pyloru. This same study also showed that mastic actually altered the function of certain immune cells in patients with active Crohns disease. Another 2007 study showed that in patients with active Crohns,mastic down regulated inflammatory markers like NF-Kappa B and interleukin-6, as well as C-reqactive protein. In other words, symptoms of Crohn’s disease improved.

In prostate cancer research from theuniversityofShangai, mastic gum also suppressed NF-Kappa B activity in the cancer cell (which is a good thing.)

Research from the S. Demiral University inTurkeydemonstrated the ability of mastic gum to reduce dental caries ((cavities). Mastic inhibits Streptococcus mutans in the mouth, which also reduces bad breath and gingivitis (gum disease) according to scientists at the Heberew University of Hadassah School of Dental Medicine.

Dr. leo Galland, MD, who is the Director of the Foundation for Intergrated Medicine, tests his patiesnts for H. Pylori antigen in the stool, and for H. pylori antibodies in the blodd. If the patient is positive and symptomatic, which gastritis or ulcers, he prescribes 1000mg of mastic twice a day for 30 days; then a reduced dosage for about six more months. He observed that 75% recover, with symptoms not returnding.

In my office, besides using mastic, I will determine if the patient is hypo acidic in the stomach and suggest taking betaine hydrochloride (gastric aid). Dietary changes are also recommended as well as counseling in the area of positive vs negativeframe in mind (which also has to do with the pH balance).

Ofcours you may be asking yourselves, why my medical doctpr hasn’t tolde me about the aforementioned studies verfiygin the benefits of mastic gum. Why instead has mey M.D. prescribed the triad of strong antibiotics? Why, as so many patients will testify, have the been tested positive for H. pylori even after taking rounds of antibiotics?