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What Is Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine is a field pioneered by thought leaders, including a number of MD’s, who saw the need for medical practice to catch up with 50-years of research which says, loud and clear, that something has to change. These thought leaders incorporated the latest nutritional research, genomics, and epigenics to innovate new ways of treating health problems at their molecular or cellular root.
Functional Medicine seeks to find the root cause or causes of a condition in order to treat the illness at its source, rather than try to fight symptoms.
Functional Medicine also integrates alternative or integrative health treatment modalities so get the best possible results for patients.
Many people who found no relief through conventional medicine finally recovered from their illnesses after receiving Functional Medicine treatment.
Millions of people are afflicted by heart conditions, diabetes, inflammation, arthritis, digestion problems, chronic pain, low energy, or obesity. While conventional medicine excels at repairing injuries, fighting bacterial infections, and more, it also leaves countless people stuck and frustrated with their poor health.
That’s because the conventional medical establishment puts minimal focus on important factors such as:
  • shape Cellular-level dysfunction
  • shape Nutrition
  • shape Hormones
  • shape Vitamins
  • shape Emotional Patterns
  • shape Family and Social History
  • shape The “Bigger Picture” of How Different Parts of a Person Impact Their Health
  • shape The Treatment of Chronic Disease
  • shape Finding the Root Cause of an Illness

Conditions Functional Medicine Can Treat

  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Back Pain
  • Bladder Problems
  • Candida And Related Symptoms
  • Cardiovascular Disease and Prevention
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • High Cholesterol/Triglycerides
  • Colitis/Crohn’s/IBS
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Headaches
  • Hypertension
  • Insomnia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Prostate/Men’s Issues
  • Skin Conditions/Excema
  • Weight Management/ Thyroid Problems
  • Women’s Issues

Our Treatments

What you eat (and how your food is produced) has dramatic effects on your health.
Everyone says the eyes are the window to the soul, but they can also be the window to your body.
Shiatsu is a Japanese form of acupressure that involves the application of pressure…
The past 40 years have seen a revolution in therapy. The rise of therapeutic disciplines that release….
Reflexology is the gentle application of pressure to the feet to stimulate energy and release blockages.
Acupuncture is an important modality in Chinese medicine entailing the insertion of very thin….
Applied Kinesiology, or muscle testing, seeks to elicit information from the body or subconscious…

What Our Clients Say

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חרדה היא מה שהפחד הופך כאשר אנו מחזיקים בו זמן רב מדי, או כאשר אנו חשים רגשות שליליים לגבי אירועים עתידיים שעדיין לא התרחשו. השם

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Anxiety is what fear becomes when we hold onto it for too long, or when we feel negative emotions about future events that haven’t happened

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Anxiety Part 2

In my last blog post I discussed how anxiety can cause numerous problems. Those problems may include: High blood pressure Heart attack Stroke Muscle pain

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